Treatments - Hip


Hip Injection

Are you planning on having a hip joint injection? It can be used to determine how much pain is coming from your hip joint (diagnostic) in cases where the source of your pain is not clear (e.g. referred pain from your back) or to try and relieve pain that is known to arise from the hip joint (therapeutic). Please click on the below for further information.


Versus Arthritis →

Core Decompression

Used to treat avascular necrosis, core decompression is a surgical procedure that involves surgical drilling into an area of dead bone near the joint. This reduces pressure, allows for increased blood flow, and slows or stops bone and/or joint destruction. This can be augmented with cell or bone grafting into the area of concern.

Your Practice Online (video) →

Hip Replacement

Are you contemplating a hip replacement for your pain? A selection of pre- and post-operative radiographs of Mr Kosuge’s patients are available here. Please use the following resources to help you make an informed decision.


Versus Arthritis patient information booklet →

American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons (Animation Video) →

International Cartilage Regeneration & Joint Preservation Society (Animation Video) →

Revision Hip Replacement

Hip replacements may fail for a variety of reasons, leading to the need to re-do the hip replacement. This specifics of a revision hip replacement depends on what the cause of the original failure is but generally speaking, this is a major procedure.

American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons →

International Cartilage Regeneration & Joint Preservation Society (Animation Video) →